
Strength of the Baltic countries lies in their unity and mutual support - Rinkevics

  • 2024-08-23
  • LETA/TBT Staff

RIGA - The strength of the Baltic countries lies in their unity and mutual support, Latvian President Edgars Rinkevics said during a meeting with Estonian President Alar Karis and local residents at the Latvian-Estonian border crossing Ungurini-Lilli to mark the 35th anniversa...

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436 foreign students from 43 countries to start studies at Riga Stradins University this year

RIGA - This year, 436 young people from 43 countries will start studies at Riga Stradins University (RSU), which is 72 foreign students fewer than last year, the university informed LETA. The majority of students come from Europe - Germany (25 percent), Sweden (24 percent), Nor...

Riga Port Group partners with China Bridge and Road Cooperation to develop logistics and manufacturing centers on Krievu sala and Kundzinsala

Riga Port Group JSC (RPG) today has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with China Bridge and Road Cooperation (CBRC), that marks a significant step forward in the development of the Port of Riga. During a multi-day visit to Riga, the CBRC management team explored the port's operations and ass...

436 foreign students from 43 countries to start studies at Riga Stradins University this year

RIGA - This year, 436 young people from 43 countries will start studies at Riga Stradins Universi...

Riga Port Group partners with China Bridge and Road Cooperation to develop logistics and manufacturing centers on Krievu sala and Kundzinsala

Riga Port Group JSC (RPG) today has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with China Bridge and Road...

Silina expects Ministry of Health to develop proposals to improve individual reimbursement of medicines

RIGA - Prime Minister Evika Silina (New Unity) has tasked Health Minister Hosams Abu Meri (New Un...

Rail Baltica continues work on the implementation of a Public-Private Partnership model to lessen the burden on state budgets during construction

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President wants work on tax reform to proceed faster

RIGA - There is still time for negotiations on the proposed tax reform, but they should not take ...

Design completed for Rail Baltica Iecava Maintenance Facility in Latvia

The State Railway Technical Inspectorate has granted final approval for the design of the Rail Ba...

Latvian business delegation's meetings with major US IT and hi-tech companies should be used to identify cooperation opportunities - Rinkevics

RIGA - The Latvian business delegation's meetings with major US IT and hi-tech companies shou...

Dozens of children from Latvia left stranded in Spain; some are already on their way home

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Serbia is important partner for Latvia in Western Balkans - Braze

RIGA - Serbia is an important partner for us in the Western Balkans region, Foreign Minister Baib...

Investment and Development Agency of Latvia and Rail Baltica discuss attraction of private investments to the Rail Baltica Project

To discuss broader cooperation opportunities aimed at attracting international investor attention...

Storm has damaged roof of Dome cathedral in Riga

RIGA - The storm has damaged the roof of the Riga Dome Cathedral, LETA learned from Riga Vice May...

President to attend Paris Olympics

RIGA - President Edgars Rinkevics will visit Paris from today until July 28, according to his age...

Ministries and other government institutions seek EUR 1.3 billion worth of extra funding in 2025 budget

RIGA - Latvia's ministries, other central government institutions, as well as independent ins...

Re-election of von der Leyen shows pro-European majority in the EP - Dombrovskis

RIGA - The re-election of Ursula von der Leyen as the President of the European Commission (EC) s...

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