TALLINN - Estonian Prime Minister Kristen Michal has endorsed the responsibilities of the new ministerial posts in his Cabinet.
According to the coalition agreement signed on July 22, the reorganization primarily concerns the competences of the minister of justice and digital affairs, the minister of climate, the minister of economic affairs and industry and the minister of infrastructure. There are no major changes in the areas of responsibility of the other ministers. The Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture will give away some of its current tasks.
In a press release, the prime minister stressed that the priority of this government is to ensure Estonia's security and to put the country's economy on the growth path.
"In the next four years, we want to direct 0.25 percent of GDP to support Ukraine in its fight for freedom, while developing Estonia's defense industry. In order for Estonia to be an attractive area for investments, we want to reduce bureaucracy and reduce the amount of time necessary for the processing of spatial plans. We want to create opportunities for innovation and technological development," Michal said. "With these priorities of the government in mind, we changed the ministerial portfolios and divided and specified the tasks so that these goals can be implemented more quickly."
In addition to leading the Ministry of Justice and Digital Affairs and its area of governance, the responsibilities of the minister of justice and digital affairs include the planning and implementation of digital society policy, the organization and supervision of digital development and cyber security, the coordination of the development of state information systems, including central network and information systems, the organization of telecommunications, the drafting of the Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities Act and the management of the activities of the relevant structural units at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.
The minister of economic affairs and industry oversees the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and its area of governance, except for the sectors overseen by the minister of justice and digital affairs. The responsibilities of the minister of economic affairs and industry also include the field of foreign trade and the management of relevant structural units within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Additionally, the minister is responsible for land use policy, spatial planning, the execution of land and spatial-related tasks, including spatial data and databases, the management of spatial data services, and activities related to land valuation. Decisions regarding the transfer of valuable agricultural land and of state land to local governments are made by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications in coordination with the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture.
The minister of infrastructure is responsible for the organization of the circular economy and the waste management policy, housing and construction, transport, including haulage, international public transport, transit, logistics and the transport infrastructure. The minister is also responsible for increasing the international competitiveness of the maritime sector, the development of maritime sectors and the state-owned fleet of vessels, as well as traffic management, planning and the implementation of plans for transport systems, mobility and mobility services, as well as increasing road safety.
The minister of climate heads the Ministry of Climate and its area of governance, with the exception of the areas entrusted to the minister of economic affairs and industry and the minister of infrastructure. The responsibilities of the minister of climate include the comprehensive implementation of the green reform, energy, climate policy, and steering business towards cleaner technologies. The minister leads the development of renewable energy and coordinates the implementation of renewable energy projects.
The minister is responsible for environmental protection and nature conservation, as well as the use, protection, reproduction and accounting of natural resources. The minister is also responsible for the organization of environmental oversight, weather observations, natural and marine research, water protection and use, and policy on the protection and use of the marine environment. The minister's area of responsibility also includes the formulation of policies and organization of activities in the fields of environmental monitoring, ambient air protection and radiation and nuclear safety, the organization of the use of earth's crust resources, geological mapping and ensuring of national geological competence.
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